The morbidity and mortality from cancer cervix is increasing particularly in developing countries in spite of the availability of well developed public health facilities including:

  1. A standardized, simple, inexpensive pap screening technique available for early detection of cancer and pre-cancerous lesions.
  2. Developed therapeutic modalities like surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are available to cure the disease in early stages.
  3. A potent vaccine against human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, the main culprint for cancer cervix, is available which can protect the young females.

It has been observed that lack of awareness is a major problem in utilising all the above facilities to conquer the disease of cancer cervix.
Keeping all these facts in mind, the ABC (Ayur Bigyan.Com) Foundation started the programme Cancer Cervix Eradication - An awareness initiative to spread the cancer cervix eradication message - CARE

C   Create Awareness to prevent early marriage, multiparity, multiple sex partners and to maintain good genital hygiene.
A   Avoid infection through HPV vaccination.
R   Regular pap test.
E   Early diagnosis and prompt treatment.

The ABC Foundation decided to observe a day in the calender every year as "Cancer Cervix Eradication Day". The aim of observing this day is :
- To focus attention of the people towards prevention of cancer cervix.
- To audit the annual activities of the ABC Foundation for cancer cervix eradication.
- To co-ordinate the activities of other workers and organisations working in this field.
- To encourage people to work in the field of cancer cervix eradication.

For observing this day it was decided that the most suitable date is 11th March, the birthday of eminent scientist and noble laureate for Medicine in 2008, Dr. Harold zur Hausen, who discovered that HPV infection is the main culprit of cancer cervix. His breath through discovery initiated the development of a potent vaccine against HPV infection. This vaccine now gives protection to young girls against HPV infection and cancer cervix.

Cancer Cervix

Father of Pap Test


Dr. George Nicholas Papanicolaou
George Papanicolaou was a physician and researcher who was associated with the Cornell University school of medicine for forty-eight years.

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Nobel Laureate


Dr. Harald zur Hausen
The early hypothesis that cervical cancer was caused by papilloma viruses, the successful isolation and characterisation of the two most frequent HPV types in this cancer
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Cancer Cervix Eradication - An awareness initiative

Cancer cervix eradication message - CARE
C Create Awareness to prevent early marriage, multiparity, multiple sex partners and to maintain good genital hygiene.
A Avoid infection through HPV vaccination.
R Regular pap test.
E Early diagnosis and prompt treatment.
Cancer Cervix

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